Unit Introduction

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Please note that we are happy for you to source the following equipment from any vendor. We have no affiliations or financial interest in selling electronics, we just want students to get their gear via reputable distributors at competitive prices, shipped quickly. Please use the discussion forums if you find better prices but in my experience, Core Electronics are Australian, reputable and competitive on price.

We have deliberately itemised these to enable you to buy what you need. Some of you may already have these things lying around so we didn't want to produce a kit. Most of you will have a spare USB charger lying around so that has not been included.

The kit below is designed to contain everything required to complete the unit with nothing more than a laptop with 8GB RAM and a spare USB port. We have carefully designed this so that you do not even need an external monitor with a HDMI port and keyboard. You also do not require a soldering iron or soldering skills. You may initially require a small screwdriver set.

If you cannot buy the resource list, or you are missing the pre-requisite things listed below you need to communicate with the teaching staff to work out if the issue can be overcome and to what extent it would be feasible to complete this unit.

Resource List & Suppliers

We could get the Cisco equipment list for greater alignment: Media:Cisco_iot_equip.pdf.


Other Pre-requisite Things

Broadband Internet

We also expect that you have an Internet connection via WiFi. This could be two forms:

  • Home broadband internet with WiFi - Your laptop and Raspberry Pi would both connect over this LAN; OR
  • Broadband Internet via WiFi on your phone - This model is based around a iOS or Android-based phone setting up a WiFi hotspot through which your laptop and Raspberry Pi

A Smartphone iOS or Android

  • Must have a working smartphone iOS or Android for IFFT and Alexa integration.

A Computer or laptop

  • Must have at least 8 GB of RAM for running a Linux VM
    • Must be able to access the BIOS in your computer to turn on VT-X - If you don't know what I am talking about this is fine for 99% of students.
  • Must have a working Microphone for videoconferencing