CGNATs and IPv6 over Mobile Broadband

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In this lab, we will explore the default behaviour of Mobile broadband with an emphasis on addressing. Before we start looking at the addressing or performance of these networks, lets start with a baseline. Start with the Ubuntu Virtual Machine in the labs.

Wired LAN

Open a terminal an type:

ip a

What is your IP address? Is it IPv4, IPv6? Is it private/public?

Run a speed test at:

What is your upload and download speed? What latency is reported.

Try pinging:

This is google DNS server. Only ping for less than 20 seconds to prevent the university being blacklisted. What latency do you get? Does it vary a lot

Go here:

Does it correctly resolve your location and IP?

Reflect on the results and compare with your lab partner.


Connect to eduroam through your Wifi adaptor in Linux then repeat all of the tests above. Is there any difference? Reflect on the results and compare with your lab partner.

Mobile Broadband

Lets start by starting up your personal hotspot on your mobile phone. This should be easy in iOS or Android. Please make sure you use a password. Repeat the steps above.