If This Then That

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IFTT Doorbell

In this exercise, we will build a contactless virtual doorbell using If This Then That (IFTT). Go to https://ifttt.com/ and create an account.

After you have created an account go to create or https://ifttt.com/create.

Click on this

Then search for and click on Webhooks then click receive a web request.

Create and name you event "Doorbell"

You will be brought back to the section where you can click on that.

Click on That

Then search for and click on email then click on send me an email. You will have to verify your inbox with a pin.

Change the subject line to Doorbell then click create.

Click Finish to end the task.

Click the user icon in the top right of the page and then click on my services.

Then click on webhooks then settings. Copy the URL, then place it into a new browser window.

Copy the URL, mine is shown below:


and paste this into a text editor. Replace:




So for my example


You should notice that, you have received an email in your inbox, indicating that someone is at the door.

If you think creatively the trigger could of course be anything, a motion sensor, the action could also be anything, turn on some lights, send an SMS.


Users don't like long URLs. Pressing a doorbell is easy but typing in a long URL is hard so we will turn the URL trigger into a QRcode.

Go to this website https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ and paste in your trigger URL. Generate a QR code and then display it on your computer screen.

Open the camera app on your phone and then point it at the screen. It should identify the qrcode, you can click to visit the link and generate the email.