Bus Pirate

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So you can connect to the bus pirate over serial with:

sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
Bus Pirate Pinout: Check that this is your probe cable as there are two different types
Bus Pirate Pinout: Check that this is your probe cable as there are two different types

You will be presented with an interface like:


Hit the question mark key to see the menu


General                                 Protocol interaction
?       This help                       (0)     List current macros
=X/|X   Converts X/reverse X            (x)     Macro x
~       Selftest                        [       Start
#       Reset                           ]       Stop
$       Jump to bootloader              {       Start with read
&/%     Delay 1 us/ms                   }       Stop
a/A/@   AUXPIN (low/HI/READ)            "abc"   Send string
b       Set baudrate                    123
c/C     AUX assignment (aux/CS)         0x123
d/D     Measure ADC (once/CONT.)        0b110   Send value
f       Measure frequency               r       Read
g/S     Generate PWM/Servo              /       CLK hi
h       Commandhistory                  \       CLK lo
i       Versioninfo/statusinfo          ^       CLK tick
l/L     Bitorder (msb/LSB)              -       DAT hi
m       Change mode                     _       DAT lo
o       Set output type                 .       DAT read
p/P     Pullup resistors (off/ON)       !       Bit read
s       Script engine                   :       Repeat e.g. r:10
v       Show volts/states               .       Bits to read/write e.g. 0x55.2
w/W     PSU (off/ON)            <x>/<x= >/<0>   Usermacro x/assign x/list all


Press m to change mode


Then hit 3 for UART


Then follow the prompts to set the baud rates and other values. For the final option, I usually select the output type to be Normal.

After you have followed the prompts you will be left with something that looks like:




And you should be able to read the UART data.