Internet of Things Lighting python

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In this lab, we will learn how to control the lab lighting using a computer. This should reveal some of the amazing possibilities of the IoT. We will learn about this while playing with a little python scripting on Windows.

Turning the lights on and off

The lab you are sitting in contains network-accessible lighting. Look directly above you and make a note of the FIXTURE NUMBER noted one your light. Note the command provided below.

import requests
url = ''
fixtureNo = #this is the number on the LED Above your desk
json = {"target": "fixture","num": fixtureNo,"intensity": 255,"red": 255,"green": 0,"blue": 0,"temperature": 255,"fade": 1.0,"path": "Default"}
#try changing the red, green and blue values and see what happens
requests.put(url=url,  data=json)
print("Check your LED!")

Copy the lines above into notepad++, and then change the FixtureNo to the light found on your computer overhead. save the file to your desktop named

open command prompt

cd Desktop


  • Can you make the LED Purple?
  • Can you make the LED Orange?
  • Can you turn the LED off?

For help with colors check out

TIP: remember to save your code before running it

Some Basic Python Programming

The internet of things is all about communicating with other devices and services, this section we will get weather information and work with response data.

Your instructor will give you your APIKey.

import requests, json
APIkey = 'b0aa5d74a76a853c83a1210b27236f3c' #this will be provided by your instructor
CityName = 'Perth'
url = '' + CityName +'&appid=' + APIkey + '&units=metric'
response = (requests.get(url=url).json())

print('allData:' + str(response))
print('current:' + str(response['main']['temp']))
print('Temp Max:' + str(response['main']['temp_max']))

Save the file as

open command prompt

cd Desktop


  • Can you modify the program to get the weather for Melbourne?
  • Can you modify the program to get the temp_min?
  • Can you modify the program to see if you can print the wind speed?

a JSON validator may help visualize the data

python IF statements

We are going to use if statements to test the data we got back. If the temp is over 30 degrees we will print 'hot', over 24 'warm' and finally 'cool'.

import requests, json
APIkey = '' #this will be provided by your instructor
CityName = 'Perth'
url = '' + CityName +'&appid=' + APIkey + '&units=metric'
response = (requests.get(url=url).json())

print('allData:' + str(response))
print('current:' + str(response['main']['temp']))
print('Temp Max:' + str(response['main']['temp_max']))

temp = int(response['main']['temp'])

if temp > 30:
elif temp > 24:


  • Add an if statement to print 'Freezing!' when below 5 degrees
  • Test this out by changing city name to Antarctica

Change the LED base on the current temperature

Now we need to add the two scripts together, one to get the weather and another to change the colour, blue for cold, greed for good, red for hot

import requests, json
APIkey = 'b0aa5d74a76a853c83a1210b27236f3c' #this will be provided by your instructor
CityName = 'Perth'
url = '' + CityName +'&appid=' + APIkey + '&units=metric'
response = (requests.get(url=url).json())

print('allData:' + str(response))
print('current:' + str(response['main']['temp']))
print('Temp Max:' + str(response['main']['temp_max']))

temp = int(response['main']['temp'])
fixtureNo = 
url = ''

if temp > 30:
   json = {"target": "fixture","num": fixtureNo,"intensity": 255,"red": 255,"green": 0,"blue": 0,"temperature": 255,"fade": 1.0,"path": "Default"}
   requests.put(url=url,  data=json)
elif temp > 24:
   json = {"target": "fixture","num": fixtureNo,"intensity": 255,"red": 0,"green": 255,"blue": 0,"temperature": 255,"fade": 1.0,"path": "Default"}
   requests.put(url=url,  data=json)

Challenging Tasks

  • Can you modify the script to turn the LED blue if it is cold?
  • Can you modify the script to fade for a longer time if it is windy? (Hard)
  • Can you modify the script so that if the sky is cloudy have the intensity (brightness) lower? (Hard)