Your own mobile Linux box

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In this unit, you will be required to own your own portable Linux machine. This can take the form of whatever you would like and I would encourage you to use the forums to discuss and collaborate on the best way to do this.

Remember you will need a Linux environment that you can take to university and use during the day of a practical assessment while on the Murdoch campus.

My thoughts: and you should thoroughly investigate and test your approach before committing to it. Certainly, don't commit to an approach until you have worked through and understood the SSH keys et al task.

Additional notes: although you may be tempted to generate the keys on your OSX machine, or to import the keys into a windows machine with putty, I would recommend against this as I may want you to use: Wireshark, aircrack, splunk et cetera.

Some ideas

  • Linux Virtual machine on your Windows laptop
    • Ensure you test backing this machine up and running it on another computer
  • Linux Virtual machine that is portable on a USB stick
    • Ensure you test backups as well as your capacity to quickly load it up in the lab environment
  • Raspberry Pi running Raspbian
    • Ensure you test backing up the SD card, so have at least 2, and make sure you can connect it to the Screen and keyboard in the lab environment.
  • Portable SSH keys
    • Ensure you thoroughly test the ability to move your keys around to different machines, and understand the consequences of losing or someone discovering your private key
  • Windows
    • It should be possible to install your keys on a windows ssh client. Later in the semester, you may require Wireshark, Splunk but AFAIK these should work.
  • Apple's OSX
    • Generating SSH keys on OSX should be completely doable. Later in the semester, you may require Wireshark, Splunk but AFAIK these should work.

Virtual Machine

If you need a guide, please see: Obtaining_a_Linux_Environment or find one of many online

Raspberry Pi

You may wish to follow: